Monday, December 27, 2010

Jewelry is a fashion lifestyle

Marilyn Monroe once said: Jewelry is a woman's best friend. Women more attractive because of the jewelry, jewelry for women and more dazzling. For today's young people, jewelry is not just an asset, identity, status symbol, and it is the manifestation of a quality of life, is a means to show their attitude to life. Different styles of jewelry are not given the same passion and vitality.
efandy was founded in Italy in the last century, and local brands in Italy soon become important jewelry brand. efandy success factors, the most important part is its chief designer Gualielmo · pietro as jewelry as a part of life, for him, fashion should not change a person's unique personality and attitude to life, is not only popular but also skills in design performance, but also a method of self-expression approach to life.
efandy, from a group of enthusiastic, intelligent and ideals of the Italian designer's unique inspiration. Europe in the 13th century, the Renaissance has given the creation of artistic inspiration and infinite variety of styles, but as the Italian origin, has always been the perfect representative of the quality of technology, has retained the "design capital 'of the title, jewelry, as was emerging trends, became powerful in Europe, a symbol of luxury, but also gave rise to a long and graceful, calm, quiet classical style.
Today, young designers are no longer satisfied adhere to the traditional, they will be the essence of Italian art strong, excellent quality transmission technology with today's fashion trends and clever combination of perfect, to the world presents a new jewelry world.
2010 efandy, once again the concept of simple deduction, from product design to store style, giving new life simple and elegant, located in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, as well as the new flagship stores in major cities, in black and white simple design, with black steel mirror effect, creating a "stylish" noble sense of the times.
efandy apart from the performance of simple design, the product itself, but show a richer color, in particular, the color elements into the colorful and innovative deployment of blue, green and red primary colors, and eye-catching sparkling red, white, gray Green set off each other, vibrant and fresh, not only elegant and sophisticated, more dynamic era reveal escape.